How to Lose Weight Using Vitamin D

Vitamin D Will Help You With Weight Loss!
Guest post by Lori L. Shemek, PhD.
Just when you thought you had heard all about Vitamin D, more research surfaces with compelling information. Vitamin D has been a hot topic in both conventional and alternative medicine lately because vitamin D is related to so many health concerns like diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, stroke, cancer (including breast cancer), heart disease and…drum roll….weight loss as well! Believe it or not, most of us are deficient in this very important nutrient – especially the elderly, people with darker skin and people who are overweight.
Our bodies make vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. This very important nutrient is called a vitamin, but vitamin D is actually a precursor hormone that is a building block of a steroid hormone called calcitriol. Vitamin D has always been known for its role in the health of our bones and teeth but an amazing amount of research of late has been surfacing showing the surprising connection between vitamin D and the prevention of most chronic diseases.
Vitamin D promotes normal cell growth throughout your body, maintaining hormone balance and a healthy immune system. Vitamin D slows down the growth of fat cells as well. Calcitriol actually becomes part of the physical make-up of the cells. However, when Vitamin D is deficient, as it is in most of us, the cells are not able to behave properly and are vulnerable to these serious health issues including weight gain and obesity.
One study done in Britain (Aberdeen University Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, 2008) showed that people who were overweight had lower levels of vitamin D. The study found that low levels of vitamin D in the blood interfered with the function of a hormone called Leptin, which tells the brain when you are full. Researchers at Aberdeen University found that obese people produced 10% less vitamin D than people of average weight. The study also found that excess body fat absorbs vitamin D, stopping it from entering the blood stream.
Another Study in Britain (Ortega RM, Aparicio A, et al, Br J Nutr 2008) using 60 overweight/obese women aged 20-35 years that had adhered to a low calorie diet, showed that those with higher vitamin d levels lost more weight and fat.
Now, these are just two studies, and I obviously cannot go over the enormous amount of research out there, but suffice it to say, the conclusions are primarily the same – Vitamin D helps with weight loss and weight gain.
How does vitamin D help with weight loss?
As mentioned, extra body fat holds on to vitamin D so that the body cannot use it. This perceived deficiency interferes with the action of the hormone Leptin. If you are not able to recognize when you are satiated, you are more likely to overeat.
Taking Vitamin D in conjunction with Calcium, helps to properly assimilate food and regulate normal blood sugar levels. Not only do you need calcium to further your weight loss, but you will also need to trim the calories. Vitamin D is not a magic potion. So to ensure this “Vitamin” can work its magic, watch your food intake, exercise and take your vitamin D with Calcium for optimal success.
What is the recommended dosage?
Although current guidelines suggest a daily intake from 400-600 IUs, research is clearly showing that this is way too low. A dosage between 2,000 and 4,000 IUs a day will have a much more therapeutic effect, boosting your overall health, help in prevention of illness and chronic disease and promotion of fat loss. Supplement with Vitamin D3 not D2. D2 is a synthetic derivative and not easily absorbed.
Living a healthy life is easy once you have the knowledge. If you would like to learn more about how carrying extra weight can silently steal your health or any other area of health and nutrition, please visit us here: and while you are visiting, please sign-up for your FREE eBOOK “7 Steps To Optimum Health” Also sign up for your FREE weight loss tips! Here you will find everything you need to create optimum health in your life.
Lori L. Shemek, PhD, CNC, CLC, is Founder and President of DLS HealthWorks. Lori is a weight Loss Specialist, Author, Speaker, Show Host of “Creating Optimum Health!” and Health Expert.
Article Source: Lori L. Shemek, Ph.D.
Photo: Mauro CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
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January 27, 2011 at 9:32 am
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Todd Boyer, Project Swole. Project Swole said: How to Lose Weight Using Vitamin D: Research is showing us how important Vitamin D is for the human body and mind. […]
January 27, 2011 at 6:26 pm
This is just one piece of data to support the fact that fatter people store calories as fat easier than leaner people, which is why I always recommend to lose fat first then focus on gaining muscle and strength when you are at an acceptable body fat level. Supplementing with vitamin D in this case would be a great idea.
January 27, 2011 at 10:20 pm
Great post.
Very interesting point about excess fat affecting absorption of vitamin D.
Rick Kaselj of
January 28, 2011 at 11:20 am
Dr. Lori does a great job in this post, which is why I didn’t mind using something from ezinearticles (which I just don’t do as a rule).
January 29, 2011 at 4:08 pm
Very cool post!
I’ve heard and read a lot about the importance of Vitamin D in diets, and even recall my first nutrition teacher talking about it at length in college.
This time of the year is really tough for people in my neck of the woods. With the days of winter being so short, we really can’t rely on the sun’s rays for maintaining appropriate vitamin D levels. Even on the occasional winter day when the sun actually comes out from behind its overcast blanket of clouds, most people don’t leave their snowbound houses if they can avoid it.
Taking supplements to ensure antiquate intake is key, especially if you’re overweight!
Cheers to Spring!
January 31, 2011 at 7:22 am
Great point about living in colder climates. Getting outside to soak up the sun is a little tough. Supplements, in that case, is about all that you can do. Salmon, tuna, and even whole eggs are a great natural source of D as well.
February 4, 2011 at 9:36 am
If Vitamin D is absorbed by extra fat we have, does that mean any Vitamin D we supplement with will also be stolen by our fat?
So, how do we increase our Vitamin D levels so it can help us lose weight?
It sort of seems like a “chicken or the egg” type situation, doesn’t it?
I take Vitamin D3, especially in the winter. I hope I am not just wasting my money if it is going right to my fat stores! I also don’t think I am taking enough. Thanks for sharing!
February 4, 2011 at 11:32 am
I just found out my body doesn’t have an potassium and that’s why my BP’s up and I realized I stopped taking my daily’s when I had my tonsils out because it hurt to swallow. Just started up again. Maybe it’ll help me trim the tad I’ve added since summer.