Free Advertising Drawing

We’re giving away free advertising!
Wow, it’s been a few months since we’ve done a drawing. That’s about to change-in a BIG way. To start things off though, we’re going to give away one month of free advertising. See those 125×125 banner ads over there -> ? See the one that says “Advertise on”? If you win, you get that spot.
So here’s the deal; if you’re a blogger, and would like some free advertising, this one’s for you.
EDIT! There are now three easy ways to enter into this drawing. The first way is to put your email address in that space in the sidebar, click the “subscribe” button, and then follow the instructions to validate the request. Second, Like our Facebook Fan (or Like) page. The third way is to hit retweet (RT) this post on Twitter, and include the hashtag #PhitZoneAd. Want to increase your odds of winning? Complete all three of these tasks.
At the end of December, we’ll draw a random name from these three sources, and if you’re lucky enough to be picked, you will receive one month of valuable advertising space (125×125 banners only) in our side bar.
Obviously, you need to have something to advertise. If your name is drawn, and you have nothing to advertise, we’ll wish you a hardy Happy New Year, and draw another name.
This one is big-whatever business, site, or blog that you wish to advertise on absolutely must be family safe. If your name is drawn, and you want to advertise an “adult-theme” site, you also will get that Happy New Year, and we’ll draw a new name. There will be no exceptions to this. If you wouldn’t send your mom, grandmother, or daughter to a site, that ad won’t run here. Is that clear enough? I hope so.
Okay, let’s have some fun!
Photo: Manouk Rijper CC-By-2.0
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December 8, 2010 at 9:05 am
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Todd Boyer, Todd Boyer. Todd Boyer said: Cool new blog post: Free Advertising Drawing […]
December 10, 2010 at 3:47 pm
I replied but I’d rather have you promo the Wii Mommies. Momspective’s dirty.
I don’t think I have your button in my rotating love widget. Make sure I do that. I need a 125×125 icon to add to it please.
December 11, 2010 at 7:58 am
That’s cool. You can pick what you want to advertise, as long as you have the right to do it, which I know you do with Wii Mommies.
December 16, 2010 at 12:28 pm
Liked you on FB, follow you on twitter, already follow you on here
#happydance Hope I win!
January 13, 2011 at 9:37 am
Well, since I’ve got two slots open, you both won.