PhitZone’s century post

100 posts and counting
Incredible! This is our 100th post. I thought that we’d celebrate by doing a recap of some of our top 10 favorites. Call it a little trip down memory lane.
#10 Get ripped – Towards the end of 2009 we did a 3-part series. The focus was how to shed those last few pounds for that shredded look.
#9 The one thing that you must do for your health – Aren’t we usually just concerned how to lose weight? Don’t forget to keep your doctor in the loop.
#8 Become a certified personal Trainer– Looking for a career change? Love fitness? Being a Certified Personal Trainer may be just what you need.
#7 Pantry Staples & Refrigerator Staples – A big part of being fit is what you eat. Having some basics available can help you control your budget, as well as watching your waistline.
#6 Get strong-10 brilliant (and slightly badass) ways to do it – The title pretty much tells it like it is – Get strong with these 10 brilliant and real badass ways.
#5 A Few Moments With – Toni Filipone – Toni’s our friend over at Keep an eye out for her upcoming workout DVD’s.
#4 The 10 best exercise tips ever – That’s right, I said EVER. These are the ten tips that will push you past the tipping point.
#3 Stop wasting your time-Lift weights to make real progress – Cardio’s fun-tell your friends. Who am I kidding? I hate cardio. It’s got to be done, but it’s a well known fact that if you’re not lifting weights, you’re doing yourself a H-U-G-E injustice.
#2 Feel great, conquer the world – It was a tough call for me between number one and number two. This post started life as a collaboration between myself and Paul Anderson of ProLango. His business started to really take off, so I decided to run with what I had written.
#1 A Few Moments With: Mark Dugdale – When we were living in Seattle, I found a local professional bodybuilder that was doing pretty well for himself. I figured what the heck, and shot him an email requesting an interview. To my surprise, Mark agreed. In my book, this one ranks as the coolest article that we’ve done so far.
We hope that you’ve enjoyed reading some of our 100 posts as much as we’ve enjoyed bringing them to you. We’re looking forward to the next 100.
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April 14, 2010 at 11:21 am
I think I’m going to need you on my radio show as a guest host real soon, you are brilliant.
April 14, 2010 at 11:49 am
What, you want lil’ old timid me on the radio?
Be careful what you wish for. LOL Seriously, that would be so cool, Julie.